Puppet Class: aixldap::configure
- Defined in:
- manifests/configure.pp
Avoid modifying private classes. Configure AIXLDAP
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# File 'manifests/configure.pp', line 4
class aixldap::configure {
assert_private('Please use aixldap main class')
if ($aixldap::use_ssl == 'yes' or $aixldap::use_ssl == 'SSL' or $aixldap::use_ssl == 'TLS') {
# SSL Certificate
file { $aixldap::ssl_ca_cert_file:
ensure => 'file',
content => $aixldap::ssl_ca_cert_content,
source => $aixldap::ssl_ca_cert_source,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 'security',
notify => Exec['trust-adldap-cert'],
$kdb_file = $aixldap::kdb_file
$kdb_dir = dirname($kdb_file)
$kdb_file_prefix = basename($kdb_file, '.kdb')
exec { 'check-for-bad-keydb':
command => "mkdir -p ${kdb_dir}/keydb-sav$$ && mv ${kdb_dir}/${kdb_file_prefix}.* ${kdb_dir}/keydb-sav$$",
unless => "[ ! -f ${kdb_file} ] || gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -list -db \'${kdb_file}\' -pw \'${aixldap::kdb_password}\' -type cms",
provider => 'shell',
before => [ Exec['create-keydb'], File[$aixldap::ssl_ca_cert_file] ],
exec { 'create-keydb':
command => "gsk8capicmd_64 -keydb -create -db \'${kdb_file}\' -pw \'${aixldap::kdb_password}\' -type cms -stash -empty -strong",
creates => $kdb_file,
notify => Exec['trust-adldap-cert'],
# NOTE: If the keydb file exists, but has the wrong password, this will fail
exec { 'trust-adldap-cert':
command => "gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db \'${kdb_file}\' -pw \'${aixldap::kdb_password}\' -type cms -file \'${aixldap::ssl_ca_cert_file}\' -trust enable -format ascii -label \'${aixldap::ssl_ca_cert_label}\'", # lint:ignore:140chars
refreshonly => true,
require => Exec['create-keydb'],
before => Exec['mksecldap'],
notify => Service['secldapclntd'],
$ssl_options = "-n 636 -k \'${kdb_file}\' -w \'${aixldap::kdb_password}\'"
} else {
$ssl_options = '-n 389'
# run mksecldap - This seems to do a lot more than just setup the ldap.cfg, so we are going to execute it
exec { 'mksecldap':
command => "mksecldap -c -h \'${aixldap::ldapservers}\' -a \'${aixldap::bind_dn}\' -p \'${aixldap::bind_password}\' -d \'${aixldap::base_dn}\' ${ssl_options} -A ${aixldap::auth_type} -D ${aixldap::default_loc}", # lint:ignore:140chars
creates => '/usr/lib/libibmldap.a',
before => File[$aixldap::ldap_cfg_file],
timeout => 600,
# Default ldap config settings
$ldap_cfg_defaults = {
ldapservers => $aixldap::ldapservers,
binddn => $aixldap::bind_dn,
bindpwd => $aixldap::bind_password_crypted,
basedn => $aixldap::base_dn,
ldapsslkeyf => $aixldap::kdb_file,
ldapsslkeypwd => $aixldap::kdb_password_crypted,
authtype => $aixldap::auth_type,
defaultentrylocation => $aixldap::default_loc,
useSSL => $aixldap::use_ssl,
userattrmappath => $aixldap::user_map_file,
groupattrmappath => $aixldap::group_map_file,
userbasedn => "CN=Users,${aixldap::base_dn}",
groupbasedn => "OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,${aixldap::base_dn}",
hostbasedn => "OU=Disabled,OU=ENT-Services,${aixldap::base_dn}",
$ldap_cfgs = merge ($ldap_cfg_defaults, $aixldap::ldap_cfg_options)
file { $aixldap::ldap_cfg_file:
ensure => 'file',
owner => 'root',
group => 'security',
content => template('aixldap/ldap.cfg.erb'),
notify => Service['secldapclntd'],
file { $aixldap::user_map_file:
ensure => 'file',
owner => 'root',
group => 'security',
mode => '0644',
content => $aixldap::user_map_content,
source => $aixldap::user_map_source,
notify => Service['secldapclntd'],
file { $aixldap::group_map_file:
ensure => 'file',
owner => 'root',
group => 'security',
mode => '0644',
content => $aixldap::group_map_content,
source => $aixldap::group_map_source,
notify => Service['secldapclntd'],
# Kerberos Config (crutch exec)
exec { 'mkkrb5clnt':
command => "mkkrb5clnt -l ${aixldap::ldapservers} -r ${aixldap::kerb_realm_real} -d ${aixldap::domain} -i LDAP -D",
creates => '/etc/krb5/krb5.conf',
require => Exec['mksecldap'],
if (aixldap::enable_ldap) {
chsec { 'user-default-registry':
ensure => present,
file => '/etc/security/user',
stanza => 'default',
attribute => 'registry',
value => 'KRB5LDAP',
require => Service['secldapclntd'],
chsec { 'user-default-SYSTEM':
ensure => present,
file => '/etc/security/user',
stanza => 'default',
attribute => 'SYSTEM',
value => 'compat or KRB5LDAP',
require => Service['secldapclntd'],
# This will cause the user's attributes to be modified after defaults are changed
Chsec['user-default-registry', 'user-default-SYSTEM'] -> User <| title != 'root' |>
# Ensure new local users are configured with SYSTEM=compat and registry=files
['user', 'admin'].each | String $stanza | {
chsec { "mkuser.default-${stanza}-system":
ensure => present,
file => '/etc/security/mkuser.default',
stanza => $stanza,
attribute => 'SYSTEM',
value => 'compat',
chsec { "mkuser.default-${stanza}-registry":
ensure => present,
file => '/etc/security/mkuser.default',
stanza => $stanza,
attribute => 'registry',
value => 'files',
# Lets just place this file - chsec is acting strange about this one
file { '/etc/methods.cfg':
ensure => 'file',
source => 'puppet:///modules/aixldap/methods.cfg',
owner => 'root',
group => 'system',
mode => '0644',
# Manage /etc/netsvc.conf hosts line
if $aixldap::netsvc_hosts {
file_line { 'netsvc.conf-hosts':
path => '/etc/netsvc.conf',
line => "hosts = ${aixldap::netsvc_hosts}",
match => '^hosts',